Rules of user support service

Version from 16/06/2019

This document is an integral appendix to the License Agreement.

These Rules must be observed by all users of any project belonging to Nekki Limited (hereinafter a Project).

Go to the User Support Service site.

1. General Conditions

The User Support Service is an official tool of the Nekki Limited company (hereinafter the Administration) for the provision of qualified consultation support to Users on a free-of-charge basis regarding issues of a Project’s functionality. Employees of the User Support Service are representatives of the Administration unless otherwise stated.

Functions of the User Support Service:

1.1. Consulting with users on the following issues regarding the Project’s functionality:

  • issues of servicing the Accounts of Users
  • issues of securing the Accounts of Users
  • issues of game mechanics
  • issues of making and refunding payments
  • technical questions
  • other issues related to the Project

1.2. Consulting on issues of limitations set in regard to Users due to failure to comply with the License AgreementPrivacy PolicyGame Rules or other rules of the Nekki Limited company.

1.3.  Registering messages from Users regarding questions that arise when discovering errors and bugs.

The consultation service is provided by means of a submitted ticket. When submitting a ticket for consultation support, the submitter agrees that his/her personal data related to the ticket will be processed in accordance with the Nekki Limited Privacy Policy.

2. Prohibitions and Limitations

Limitations are applied in regard to Users who violate the License Agreement, Game Rules or other rules of the Nekki Limited company, and who inhibit the normal functioning of the User Support Service.

Types of limitations:

  • “Read-only” mode may be switched on in Games which contain a chat or other method of communication between players; the User will be deprived of the ability to send messages to all types of Game chats.
  • Blocking in Games that allow for it is a limitation of the User’s Access to the Game by blocking their user account for an unlimited or limited time.

When contacting the User Support Service, the following actions are not allowed:

2.1. Offending the Administration

2.1.1. Posting information (messages, phrases, symbols, images etc.) with non-constructive contents that inhibit the normal functioning of the User Support Service or is aimed at offending employees of the Support Service; the creation/duplication of multiple tickets with non-constructive contents or aimed at offending employees of the Support Service.

2.1.2. Threatening physical retribution in relation to other Users or representatives of the Administration.

2.1.3. All types of provocation or attempts to mislead the Administration.

2.1.4. Spam, flood (sending multiple messages or text with identical content), swear words when talking to the Support Service.

2.1.5. Threats, offenses or demeaning the Support Service, the Administration or any other members of the Game’s support and development team.

2.1.6. Attempts to mislead by creating messages and providing fake information with the goal of profiting or gaining other advantages and sending them to the Support Service.

If these Rules are violated, the Administration reserves the right to both apply the “Read-only” mode to the User in Games to which this applies, and to block the User’s Account in Games to which this applies, depending on the severity of the violation.

The duration of said block is determined by the Administration depending on the severity of the violation.

The User does not receive any preferential treatment due to having paid subscription time, a paid Account or any other additional services and purchases active when the Administration applies said limitations to the User. If limitations are applied to an Account for the violation of these Rules, the duration of the subscription, paid Account or any other additional services is not paused or refunded.

Employees of the User Support Service reserve the right to close a message (ticket) without scope for further correspondence regarding the questions in it. This right can be implemented in the case of a ticket on questions that have previously already been answered, and also in cases when the User has been given all possible information on the question asked.

The Administration reserves the right to not review tickets that violate the User Support Service Rules.

Please note that these rules and limitations are not exhaustive and do not cover all possible variations of offensive or incorrect behavior.

3. Making Complaints Regarding Game Violations. Complaints Regarding Decisions

3.1. Users can make a complaint regarding violations performed by another User during use of the Game within the Game’s client using the corresponding in-built functionality. The complaints procedure may differ depending on the Project. If the function to complain about a violation is absent from the Project, then complaints are accepted by means of a ticket to the User Support Service. When sending a complaint to the User Support Service, the User must attach an unedited screenshot that confirms the violation and indicate the correct nickname of the offending User (using Latin letters, numbers and the underscore).

3.2. The Administration will not review complaints linked to internal guild conflicts (including questions of guild resources), since each guild leader has the ability to appoint guild members to the corresponding roles at his/her discretion. The Administration does not involve itself in internal guild conflicts and cannot influence their outcomes.

3.3. Complaints are accepted and reviewed only when they are sent from Users directly affected by the referenced violation. Complaints received from third parties that were not affected are not accepted or reviewed.