Game rules

This document represents Game Rules in relation to the following Games:

11×11, 11×11: New Season, Shadow Fight 2, Shadow Fight 3, Shadow Fight Arena, Vector, Vector 2, along with other Games distributed based on the conditions of the Nekki Limited License Agreement.

General Conditions

These rules are mandatory for all Users of the Games listed above. Apart from the Game Rules, Users are also obliged to comply with the License Agreement and other rules of the Nekki Limited company. The Nekki Limited company and its authorized representatives (together the Administration) monitors the compliance of the Game Rules, and Moderators monitor compliance on social networks and in chats. Please note that these rules and limitations are not exhaustive and do not cover all possible variations of offensive or incorrect behavior. The application of the Rules in each Game is performed with consideration for the Game’s technical features and game mechanics.

The Nekki Limited company reserves the right to limit the access of any User to the Game, Game Chat or other game resource at any time if the Game Rules, License Agreement or other rules of Nekki Limited are violated. In such a case, limitations with regard to the User may be, at the discretion of the Administration, applied within the Game, Game Chat or other resources simultaneously.

The Administration reserves the right to alter or delete any information published that violates the Game Rules, License Agreement or other rules of the Nekki Limited company.

Below are some of the limitations that may be applied to the User if violations are performed:

“Read-only” mode — this removes the ability to send messages in the Game, Game Chat or other means for a period of at least one day up to and including a permanent block.

Blocking access to the Game or the Account as a whole for a period of at least one day up to and including a permanent block.

Removing Game elements, Game achievements and removing Rights to non-activated data and commands, including rights to use in-game currency, resources, maps and subscriptions without compensation (including in the form of returning the Account to the state that existed when the Game was first started and launched) — if they are received through a violation of the Game Rules, License Agreement or other rules of the Nekki Limited company or the conditions of relevant contests or events.

Please note that repeated and numerous violations lead to the application of stricter limitations, including a permanent Account ban. Account with a subscription does not provide any advantages in terms of limitations being applied. If limitations are applied to an Account, the subscription duration and effect are not stopped or refunded.

The following groups of players (hereafter Groups of Players) currently exist in the Games: teams and guilds. The list and names of Groups of Players may periodically change in the Agreement without any changes to the Game Rules.

If the Rules do not declare an automatic monitoring mode of separate violation categories, then complaints against the actions of Users, the Administration and Moderators is performed according to the User Support Service Rules published at this address

1. Restrictions in the Game

The following actions are not allowed in the Game:

1.1. Using swear words or disguised swear words, other obscene language or abuse to other participants.

Obscene language includes veiled swear words, including expletive words and phrases written with grammatical errors or a deliberate replacement, division or deletion of characters. Rude, abusive or offensive expressions that go beyond the limits of polite discussion are also forbidden.

1.2. Publishing information aimed at distracting Users from the chat topic and Game (flooding). Measures applied with regard to a User in the case of a violation of this rule are at the discretion of the Administration. A detailed description of flooding is given in paragraph 2.2 of the Game Rules.

1.3. Begging (requests to transfer real money, in-game gold, in-game valuables, resources etc.) in any form aimed at individual or all Users. These actions may lead to access to the Game or Chat being blocked at the discretion of the Administration.

1.4. Use of another User’s Account, selling, transferring or buying an Account, including by means of trading or gifting.

It is forbidden to publish information, including in Game Chats, containing an intention to transfer, sell or buy an Account or the Rights to non-activated data and commands, including rights to use in-game currencies, subscriptions or resources, to another User. This rule also applies to buying or selling a guild.

1.5. Using offensive words, causing strife on racial, national, religious or gender character.

1.6. Distributing the personal information of third parties, including home addresses, phone numbers and passport data without their consent.

1.7. Distributing false information about the Game, the Administration, Moderators, Users or other individuals.

1.8. To trick or blackmail Users into giving up their personal information, including usernames and passwords to Accounts or e-mail addresses.

It is forbidden to distribute information of any character with the aim of gaining access to Accounts and the personal data of Users, or with the aim of performing any financial or electronic fraud. Such information includes, but is not limited to:

distributing links to third-party resources designed as official resources of the Nekki Limited company

sending to Users any personal messages in the name of the Administration or Moderators, including with an offer to transfer data or install software

impersonating a representative of the Administration or Moderators

1.9. Publishing materials that are of a pornographic or erotic nature or links to said materials in the Game.

1.10. Direct or indirect propaganda of narcotic substances and alcohol.

1.11. Threats to Users, the Administration, Moderators or other individuals.

1.12. Publishing advertisements of any type, including offers for promocodes, Rights to non-activated data and commands, including in-game currency, maps, packs, resources, subscriptions, Account ‘boosts’, help within the Game etc. Among other things, such violations include publishing information in the form of a list on internet resources, with the exception of links to the resources of the Nekki Limited company or fan resources declared friendly by the Administration. It is also not allowed to mention or discuss other games.

1.13. Discussing modern politics as a way to deliberately provoke conflicts. It is also forbidden to reduce military-historical discussions to current political themes.

1.14. Insulting the Administration or Moderators, or discussing their actions in any form.

1.15. Provoking Users to violate the Game Rules, License Agreement or other rules.

1.16. Unsportsmanlike behavior in any form. Unsportsmanlike behavior is understood to mean behavior that challenges or annoys the opponent, and also behavior that negatively affects gameplay or the experience of the battle that takes place during a battle in “one vs one” (PvP) mode. Complaints against such behavior in Games in which a PvP mode is used are accepted through the in-game ticket-creation system accessible in the Game settings.

1.17. Distributing information that is directly or indirectly linked to organizations, historical or political figures judged by an international tribunal or accepted as terrorist, dangerous to society and illegal. Among other things, these violations include using Nazi symbolism, terms or acronyms (for example SS), and the names of relevant historical figures.

1.18. The direct or indirect use of the following nicknames and other names in the Game (apart from guild names, which are regulated separately):

1.18.1. any violating paragraph 1.17.

1.18.2. any that cause strife on racial, national, religious or gender grounds

1.18.3. any containing offensive, rude, abusive or insulting expressions or abbreviations

1.18.4. any directly or indirectly related to a sexual act or sexual assault

1.18.5. any related to a description of the body, its biological functions and features of development

1.18.6. any containing objects of intellectual property belonging to third parties without the consent of the rights-holder

1.18.7. any containing information that could lead to the mistaken impression that this User is a representative of the Administration or Moderators

1.18.8. any containing direct or indirect propaganda of narcotic substances and alcohol

1.18.9. any containing a reference to acts forbidden by the License Agreement, Game Rules, other rules of the Nekki Limited company or applicable legislation

If nicknames violate the Game Rules, they must be changed. In this case, corresponding Accounts may be subject to their nickname or character name being changed unilaterally. If repeated violations occur, the User’s Account may be blocked.

The Administration also reserves the right in the case of the User’s inactivity in the Game to unilaterally change his/her nickname.

1.19. Using or distributing information regarding methods of causing harm to the Game, Administration, Users or any other individuals (bot programs, unsanctioned game mods, bugs, information about vulnerabilities in the game client or sites etc.).

1.20. Obtaining game assets, game achievements, or Rights to non-activated data and commands, including rights to use in-game currency, resources, maps, packs and subscriptions through a violation of the Game Rules, License Agreement or other rules of the Nekki Limited company or the rules of relevant events or contests.

1.21. Distributing any confidential information about the Games and plans for their development. Such information includes any information not published as official news or press releases on Nekki Limited resources.

1.22. Use the Game with methods not envisioned by the License Agreement, Game Rules or by any other rules of the Nekki Limited company, or any methods that go beyond the bounds of normal gameplay.

1.23. Acting or distribution information in such a way that, in the opinion of the Administration, violates legislation, morality or ethics, or is undesirable.

2. Features of Individual Violations

Please note that any violation of the rules of paragraph 2.1 lead to access to the Game or Account in general being blocked.

2.1. Along with other forms of unsportsmanlike behavior, the following is not allowed:

2.1.1. ‘Boosting’ the Accounts of other Users, or providing any other unsportsmanlike assistance.

2.1.2. Passive (pacifist) behavior toward members of another team, guild or alliance of guilds.


2.1.3. Using programs that imitate the actions of Users within the Game (bots), clicker programs, button macros, or other similar methods for accumulating in-game achievements, and other forms of unsportsmanlike behavior at the Administration’s discretion.

For violators that use automatic scripts, clicker programs, bot programs or button macros, or other similar methods for accumulating in-game achievements without the participation, or with passive ‘pacifist’ participation of the User committing said violations, the User is banned from accessing the game either temporarily or permanently, with a possibility of appeal at the discretion of the Administration.

2.2. Flooding Actions of the Player with a view to sending messages many times to a Game Chat may lead to access to the Game or Chat being blocked. Measures aimed at blocking access to the Game or Chat are applied at the discretion of the administration. Flooding is understood to mean, among other things:

2.2.1. distributing information on a large scale that was not requested by a User, which the recipient has not declared an interest in receiving or not consented to receive (spam)

2.2.2. abusing line breaks (splitting lines into individual words)

2.2.3. repeatedly duplicating a single message; creating meaningless messages

2.2.4. repeatedly duplicating battle results in Game channels

2.2.5. abusing recruiting — with adverts or searching for players, Groups of Players. Abuse is considered advertising a single Group of Players more often than once every five minutes

2.2.6. abusing ALL CAPS in messages

2.2.7. abusing punctuation marks

2.2.8. abusing in-game ‘emojis’

2.2.9. distributing information that does not match the subject of the relevant channel or chat